In just a few clicks, our app finds you the best bargains at your favorite grocery stores and pharmacies.
The LVA app alerts you to great discounts (30% off and higher or rarely in sales) and tells you when to stock up on MAJOR bargains.
If you do this regularly for all your favorite foods and items.
You'll create a continuous savings cycle. Watch your grocery expenses start decreasing immediately.
Epicerie 1
Epicerie 2
Epicerie 3
Pork tenderloin
Pork tenderloin
Pork tenderloin
52 X 5.99$
52 x 13,76$
52 X 11,96$
LVA saves me so much energy, time, and money!
I don't have to analyze which prices are good and which are not, I don't have to look at the flyers every week, and it makes my planning much simpler. I also save a lot of money, with averages of 30% off my grocery bill. I often talk about LVA to my friends, family, and clients, and I wanted to take a moment to say thank you!
The selection of all the REAL LVA bargains based on our evaluation criteria:
• A savings of at least 30%
• Rarity of the deal
• Quantity/price and quality/price ratio.
The LVA effect at its maximum! These are real bargains, where buying the item in larger quantities will help you create a continuous savings cycle - you get to always have your favorite foods at the lowest price.
Ten years ago, as my family grew, I realized groceries were our most flexible expense. Out of necessity, I created a method to save time and money while still feeding my family what they loved. How? I closely studied food prices, grocery store promo cycles and sales trends. I also figured out how to stock up on groceries strategically to minimize costs as much as possible. It was an incredible feeling — I felt empowered! Today, thousands of people experience the “LVA effect,” saving time and money every week to focus on what they love. With rising grocery prices, I believe LVA can help many more, just like you, slash their grocery bills and feel empowered too. From Jessica Laflamme & the entire LVA team
I want to try the LVA app for free